One week workshop in 2015 with Armor® partnership. The goal was to identify the uses of tomorrow about photovoltaic film.
The Nola project’s starting point, was that the price of electricity will dramatically increase. The first to be impacted will be the citizens and the local businesses which disappear in our urban centers. The project uses the print of photovoltaic film produced by Armor. It converts every light sources in an electrical energy. This product can generate 80 watts per day thanks to the surrounding light.
Wishing to save money daily, consumers will use this product to produce an energy that can be transfered from the product to a payment terminal. Retailers with exterior signage will indicate their purchasing requirements in electrical energy to run the household appliances. Consumers can choose to pay either with money or with electricity, or both.
With this Win-Win project, the retailers decides on their needs of energy. Once this objective is achieved, the customers will only pay with euros. The product will be used to recharge the batteries with convection.